Gordon Solie, American wrestling commentator died on the same day and year that I was born ( July, 27 2000) The only thing I can remember of my childhood was playing in my backyard with my dog when I was little the yard seemed so big now it's seems so small. If I could go back to being a kid I would any day sometimes I wonder how it would be if I was 5 years old on this day and year would I be more creative? Have a bigger imagination? I don't know and I don't think I will ever know unless they make a machine that can change your age. I love anything that involves running or being outside if I could I would move into the country and stay there the only thing I would come back to the city for would be football games or any sports really I see myself as a very athletic person when Im sitting around I feel so lazy I like to run and be free instead of being cooped up at my desk all day. I like nature more then I like the city I like having other things around other then people all the time my house my dads house my grandmas house they all have pets in them I have in total 3 dogs and a turtle and I treat them all equally it's nice to have other life around. Anyway that's me! :)
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012
my credo
1. I believe that people shouldint be judged by the color of their skin.

8.I believe that children should never be abused by their own parents.
9. I believe that what you do to others will effect you positively or negatively depending on your actions.
10. I believe that people shouldint depend on electronics as much as we do
Posted by Unknown at 13:38 6 comments
Labels: my credo
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
comedy bit
to see my comedy bit please click here
Posted by Unknown at 11:28 0 comments
Labels: comedy bit
Monday, 12 November 2012
term one goals and reflection
to view my goals and reflection please click here
Posted by Unknown at 16:12 0 comments
Labels: term one reflection and goals
Monday, 5 November 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Real Scary Story
To read my real Scary Story, click here
Posted by Unknown at 20:58 1 comments
Labels: Actual Scary Story
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Top 10 favourite games
1. Assassins creed 3
2. Red dead redemption
3. Battlefield 3
4. Grand theft auto 4
5. Minecraft
6. Madden 13
7. Skyrim
8. Fallout new Vegas
9. Fallout 3
10. Borderlands
Posted by Unknown at 11:43 1 comments